Got a book in you?

I can help get it out.

The next session of Howard Shrier’s Book Camp© runs for ten Wednesdays, April 12-June 14.

Cost: $499 + HST ($563.87). (Courses I designed and taught at U of T for nine years start at $649+HST.)
Who: Me, obviously. How about you?
What: Your best first 2,500 words of a story in any genre (No passages from the middle. How you start your book is everything.) You’ll get constructive criticism from your peers and me in a safe, welcoming environment. Plus fun weekly discussions about every aspect of writing.
When: Wednesdays, 7-9 pm April 12-June 14.
Where: Room 218, Miles Nadal JCC at Bloor and Spadina, fully accessible and on either subway line.
Why? Because you want to get your book started or pushed farther down the line.

Registration is limited to 12

Howard Shrier’s Book Camp is based on my 15 years as a published author, 13 years of mentoring writers one-on-one, and nine years teaching writing at University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies–not to mention the years I spent in theatre, which guarantees an animated evening. My 2022 writing residency at the Toronto Public Library’s North York Central branch received outstanding evaluations, as did my U of T courses. We’ll cover:

  • Foundation values and basic elements of storytelling.
  • Create an authentic hero*, or antihero, who drives your story.
  • People your story with fully fleshed characters, each with compelling backstories.
  • Develop an antagonist as strong (or stronger) than your hero.
  • Build the world of your story through research.
  • How outlines can save you from dead ends and painted corners.
  • Point of View: Which is right for you?
  • Using plot turns to build suspense.
  • Dialogue: Letting Characters Speak for Themselves.
  • Your Best First Page.
  • Creating a writing life.

You’ll notice the word “story” appears a lot. This is not by chance. Every sentence of a novel has to serve the story. Everything else can be cut.


E-transfer $563.87  to, along with an email reserving your place. You’ll get a confirmation upon payment.