The Manuscript Doctor: Sample + Outline

The Manuscript Doctor: Sample + Outline


Agents and editors want to see solid outlines and sharply written samples. I’ll help you bring yours to professional standards.

From Week One: A Very Brief History of Crime


Hooked an agent or editor with your query letter?

They’ll want to see a sample and outline of the rest.

Why? The outline will show them your story. The sample — up to 10,000 words — will tell them whether you can tell it with authority.

Here’s an easy way to test your sample and outline. Do the opening pages grab the reader? Is your setting clear, your voice compelling, your characters real, the dialogue sharp and revealing? Do you show more than you tell?

What about the plot you’ve outlined? Does it hold up? I’ll pose questions, make suggestions and push you farther than you’ve gone before. You’ll rethink your plot and consider ways to put your protagonist on the brink. I’ll help you craft a sample that reveals your characters, setting and voice.

You’ll get more feedback after a second reading. The process typically takes four weeks.

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